CryptoLocker Malware

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What you need to know to keep your computer secure.

As technology and computer’s advance, so do the viruses, trojans, and malware that plague your operating systems. Perpetual updates to anti-virus programs, malware scanners, and firewalls usually keep up with these nefarious activities, but one such malware has proven to be resistant to security updates.

The now infamous CryptoLocker is a ransomware trojan which targets computers using Microsoft Windows. The malware appeared in September of 2013.

A CryptoLocker infection can be acquired from various sources. The most common is from an email attachment. When a computer is infected and CryptoLocker is initiated, the malware encrypts files stored on your PC’s local, mounted, and even networked drives.

Your files are encrypted by using an RSA public-key cryptography, which means that the key to access your files is stored on the CryptoLocker’s server. Visit bitcoin code German to see how it operates. When your computer is infected, a message will appear offering you the ability to decrypt your data with a payment through BitCoins or other types of coins and cryptocurrency (find more information at

Additionally, you must pay the ransom by a deadline or risk losing the deletion of the private key and therefore losing access to your private files. If the deadline is missed, CryptoLocker offers to decrypt the data for a much higher ransom.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Always avoid email attachments from unknown senders.
  • Back up your PC files consistently.
  • Avoid storing passwords, sensitive financial data or other personal information on your computer.
  • If CryptoLocker infects your PC, removing the malware itself will not give you access to your encrypted files.
  • If your computer is infected, do not try to connect a storage device to recover your back up files.
  • Most users report that paying the ransom will allow you to recover your files.
  • Consult an IT professional if your computer has been infected with CryptoLocker.

With these general safety tips, most users can avoid common viruses and malware.

In the event of a computer or network infection, please call our help desk immediately at 1-888-930-1117.

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